



而自东营德奥始,*ST德奥对于亏损资产的青睐,似乎成了其此后一系列收购的行动指标。2014年5月20日,上市公司公告称,拟收购瑞士MESA 85.6%股权,成交价格合人民币2188.61万元;与一名德国籍自然人达成一致意向,拟收购该自然人作为唯一所有者的SkyTRAC/SkyRIDER共轴双旋翼直升机项目的全部技术资产和样机,成交价格合人民币2128.32万元。财务数据显示,在2013年度和2014年1月,MESA营业收入分别为24.64万瑞士法郎和0瑞士法郎,净利润分别为亏损49.13万瑞士法郎和亏损5.18万瑞士法郎。当年年底,上市公司全资子公司ASR再以168.97万元收购MESA7.38%的股份,并对MESA增资折合人民币1887.64万元。


Being the earliest fund company to engage in pension asset management in China, ChinaAMC has accumulated over 18 years of experience in national social security fund, enterprise annuity and basic pensions. At the end of Q1 2019, our total value of pension assets under management exceeded 190 billion RMB, dominating the industry. In terms of the third pillar individual retirement plan, the firm is at the forefront of the industry in research coverage and product innovation. Our market-leading flagship product ChinaAMC Return Fund is held by 4.3 million investors as part of their long-term saving plan. It achieved returns of 16.82% p.a. and paid dividends of over 12.9 billion RMB for more than 82 times since 2003. Significant progress has been witness in our collaboration with leading international peers in pension management such as Fidelity International where we adopted their glide path methodology into local Chinese market and successfully launched the first Chinese TDF product– Huaxia 2040 in September 2018. With thanks to nearly 170,000 fund holders, the company has set up a full suite of TDF product line and keep leading the investors’ education journey.

